Rent is currently $325/mo
Keep 100% of sales
May curate their own spaces to GVL Art standards
May share space with other artists who apply and are accepted
Must staff 2 shifts per month or have a trained proxy to staff for them
Must commit to a minimum of 3 months
Rent is currently $135/mo
Get approx 10 Linear Feet of Wall Space
Keep 100% of sales
Will trust the OAS curating team to hang their art
May change out art as often as they like
May sell prints alongside original art
Must commit to a minimum of 3 months
Must provide a framed Artist Bio
Must staff 2 shifts per month or have a trained proxy to staff for them
Rent is currently $65/mo
Get an assigned space to curate, but may not clutter
Keep 100% of sales
May change out art as often as they like
Must commit to a minimum of 3 months
Must provide a framed Artist Bio that stands up
Must staff 2 shifts per month or have a trained proxy to staff for them